Architectural Design

Amazing DIY Projects for You and Your House

Whether you have a natural talent towards DIY projects, or you want to make your first attempt, these are some very easy projects that you can do with simple, everyday materials.


You don’t have to have any particular expertise or previous experience in order to create something unique with your own two hands. Find the one that best suit your preferences and start your very first DIY project today.


Wine Bottles as Pots

We all have some empty wine bottles lying around in the house. Instead of tossing them away, it is a great chance to create something amazing. You need to cut off one side of the bottle from the neck opening all the way down. This will create a hole where you can put any artistic item you want. You can place some sand and wonderful shells, or grow a succulent plant. The cork cut in … Read more

Home Design

Painting Business Calgary



Our Certified Red Seal Trades Painters And Decorators That Paint With 1/two Cost Pro Calgary Painting Are Skilled Residence Painting Painters Specializing In Low cost Interior House Painting And Exterior Property Painting And Repainting Services.  If You Are At present Renovating The Interior Or Exterior Of Your Property Or Residence 1/2 Cost Pro Calgary Painting Can Aid Supply You A Lovely Painting Finish For About Half Cost That Other Calgary Painters, Calgary Decorators, Calgary Painting Organizations And Calgary Painting Contractors Will Generally Charge You. The Fun, Friendly, Difficult Working, And Talented Calgary Painters At 1/2 Price Pro Calgary Painting Are All Red Seal Certified Trades Painters & Decorators That Can Save You Up To 50  Off The Price Of Skilled Property Painting With Professional Property Painting Goods.

A Gorgeous Painting Finish Over Leading Of A Poor Or Failed Caulking Job Is Just Plain Tacky On The Interior Or Exterior … Read more

Home Plans

Why Use Wooden Dining Chairs to Boost Elegance?

You may not be an interior expert but like many of us you must have a sense of aesthetics when it is about interior decor. But your aesthetics faces the hardest test when it comes to dining room. Unlike living room dining area does not hold too many furniture or showpieces to experiment with and naturally you need to be more careful about your choice of dining chairs, table, a few other furniture and furnishings. This is one area of the entire home that needs highest attention. Wooden dining tables and chairs thanks to their sturdiness and timeless charm are always popular for any interior.  There are some secret and effective ways to help your wooden dining chairs make the dining space interior beautiful and elegant.


  • Tweak With The Colours


When it is about making your chairs around the dining table look attractive and elegant, you can … Read more